This Monday – 24th October – we are popping in to see Bishop Patrick at his house for a ‘Grill the Bishop’ session. When we met last month with Fr David Cain, we spent some time putting a few questions together to ask him about his life, vocation and our faith. He will share a little bit about him and his vocation and then we can ask him our questions too.
If you are of secondary school age, you are very welcome to come along. We are meeting at 7pm at the Castle Gate House (entrance to Nottingham Castle) then we will walk down to Bishop’s House. We will come back to the Gate House for 9.00 for parents to pick you back up. Don’t forget to bring your journals and if you haven’t yet returned a completed Parental Consent Form, then you MUST bring it along when we meet. You can download it from the link below.