This weekend just gone, we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King; extra special for us because that is the dedication of our Catholic secondary school, Christ the King over in Arnold.
We were joined at Masses by the Chaplain, Joe Hopkins, and one of the Assistant Headteachers, Mr Steve Brogan.
Mr Brogan spoke very powerfully at the 10.30 Mass about how the school has seen rapid improvement over the past few years and earlier in 2016 was judged to be ‘Outstanding’ by a Diocesan Canonical Inspection. You can read the full inspection report here nrcdes-diocesan-canonical-inspection-report-christ-the-king-arnold-01-03-16-final-2
The opening paragraph stated that ‘Christ the King Catholic Academy is an outstanding Catholic school. Its mission is overt, nurtured and celebrated.’ The report went on to say that the Religious Education department is a lead department in the school and in the diocese as a whole.
Mr Brogan also spoke about the fact that the school is massively oversubscribed and has been for the past couple of years.
If you as a parent of a child in Year 5 or 6 haven’t checked out this gem of a school, then take the opportunity to get in touch, arrange a visit, or just pop in to the school Christmas Fair on Thursday 15th December, 3 – 6 at the school. http://www.christtheking.notts.sch.uk/2016/11/11/christmas-fayre/
There is a direct and dedicated bus that runs through Carlton over to Christ the King each day, so getting to the school couldn’t be easier.