Wednesday Word

This week, we launch an exciting new development in our parish, specifically in the support we offer to parents in their responsibility of bringing their children up in the Catholic faith.

Wednesday Word is an activity sheet which we will be making available to each family who has a child in our parish primary school and any other child in the parish of primary school age.

It is a sheet designed for parents to sit down with their children for 5 – 10 minutes (on a Wednesday if possible), turn off all distractions, maybe light a candle to remind everyone that this is a special time, and then on the sheet there is part of the following Sunday’s Gospel story, reflections, prayers, activities, questions for discussion, all aimed at children of primary school age.

Each Sunday, we will give it out at Sunday masses ready for the following week and in the school, it will be sent home to all families on the Wednesday.

Both the parish and school hope that it will prove to be a really useful resource for parents and children, helping them grow in their faith.

If you want to know more details, check out the Wednesday Word website.



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