Why choose a Catholic school?
Catholic schools are an essential part of the family of the Church. Together with the family and the parish church, they help form and guide young people in the ways of faith.
They support parents as they fulfill the promise made at their child’s baptism; to be the first and best teachers of their child in the ways of faith and bring them up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us.
- Catholic schools are successful; 83% of them are judged ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, compared to 75% of schools nationally.
- Your child will succeed; at GCSE level, students in Catholic schools outperform the national average by 5%. At primary school level, students from Catholic schools leave with English and Maths SATS scores 6% higher than the national average.
- Catholic schools enable your child to experience a diverse community; 37% of students in Catholic primary schools are from ethnic minority backgrounds, 7% more than the national average.
- Catholic schools serve the poorest in society, ensuring all children’s skills and talents are nurtured whatever their economic background. 17% of students in Catholic secondary schools are from the most deprived areas of England, significantly higher than the national average.
- Catholic schools promote; RE in the classroom, Catholic, Gospel values, a holistic education of the whole person
- Catholic schools are free; funded by you, the taxpayer, and supported by the Catholic community.
Our parish schools are
Sacred Heart Catholic Voluntary Academy (4 – 11)
Headteacher; Mrs Karen Taylor.
Southcliffe Road, Carlton, Nottingham. NG4 1EQ.
Tel; 0115 9112117
email; admin@sacredheart.notts.sch.uk. Website; www.sacredheart.notts.sch.uk
Christ the King Catholic Voluntary Academy (11 – 18)
Headteacher; Mr Carlo Cuomo.
Darlton Drive, Arnold, Nottingham. NG5 7JZ
Tel; 0115 9556262 Email; office@christtheking.notts.sch.uk .
Website www.christtheking.notts.sch.uk